Thursday, 3 July 2008

Educational Entertainment!

If you thought listening to someone talking about schools and creativity would be boring - you obviously haven't listened to Sir Ken Robinson delivering a delightful assortment of inspirational thoughts, opinions and anecdotes on 'Do Schools Kill Creativity?'

His presentation can be seen on The TED organisation started out as an annual conference of minds and ideas worth sharing in the areas of Technology, Entertainment and Design. It has now broadened its scope to include a huge diversity of interests.

If you have a spare 20 minutes and you would like to be both entertained and informed, have a look at Sir Ken's video footage - his thoughts on Shakespeare as a boy are classic!

A New PATH for Parents

What PATH? For those of you who haven't checked out my website recently, I now have a new service available for parents.

PATH is an acronym for Parents AT Home and that's exactly what it's all about - parents getting together with other parent friends, in someone's home, and working through issues of concern - like how to help a son or daughter become more organised and 'time managed'; how to help them stay on top of workloads so that the ENTIRE household isn't under stress; how to develop better work and study routines by understanding more about HOW a son or daughter learns; how to help that 'reluctant writer' get started on that next essay or assignment; how to help cope with the changes associated with moving from primary to high school.

In a way, this is very much like a 'tupperware party' - only better! You won't walk out with a new cake container or lettuce crisper, but you SHOULD walk out with a few ideas about how to work with your son or daughter and not fight against him or her!

These sessions only run for 60 minutes - but there's always time for questions and answers, if that's what parents want. They have been very popluar in schools, so why not have one at HOME! If you have someone in Year 5 through to Year 12, this might help!

Give me a call!